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25 Year Sponsor of AusIMM's New Leaders Summit

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Last night Fenner Conveyors were pleased to host the Welcome Reception for AusIMM's New Leaders Summit 2024 in Brisbane - an event which supports pathways for new professionals across our industry.

The New Leader Summit program in 2024 focuses on AI & emerging technology, reconciliaton, regulatory frameworks for mine life and beyond, workforce transformation, diversity and inclusion, social responsibility and sustainable mining, with a stellar line-up of expert keynote speakers. 

 JenGreen Speech web

As 25 Year sponsor of the event, Fenner Conveyors were given the opportunity to sponsor an Abstract category and chose 'Diversity & Inclusion'. This included sponsoring winners of the abstract category to attend the New Leaders Summit. 

Chief People & Culture Officer, Jen Green, reflected that what came through loud and clear when reviewing submissions was the enthusiasm, appreciation and commitment to diversity & dnclusion in our industry.

"Thank you to Sofiya Khan and Isabelle Welstead, our abstract category winners, for your wonderful submission. Your submission mentions that barriers such as geographical isolation, limited educational resources, and misconceptions about mining careers hinder the diversity and inclusion efforts of our industry. You acknowledge the critical role of early intervention and targeted outreach in promoting diversity and inclusion within the mining sector," said Green.

"The need for early intervention is something we are acutely aware of at Fenner Conveyors, which is why we have been tailoring internal initiatives and training programs to facilitate engagement and awareness with youth in the communities in which we operate and service."

Inclusivity is paramount in Fenner Conveyors' approach to the delivery of its training programs.

"We utilise a range of mediums to cater to different learning styles, including both theoretical and practical sessions, and utilise equitable trade skills such as knifeless splicing which has opened up opportunities for female belt splicers," explained Green.

Fenner Conveyors actively work to attract more females to the trade by participating in industry forums, such as the New Leaders Summit, and establishing partnerships with pathway organisations in the communities in which we operate.

 NLS2024 Jen Green and DI Abstract winners web

Jen Green with Diversity & Inclusion Abstratct winners: Isabelle Welstead (left) and Sofiya Khan (right).

"We are a proud sponsor of this event in QLD to continue our investment in the pathways for young and emerging professionals into the mining sector. We are committed to building greater diversity and inclusion within our industry, which is so important for the future of our workforce."

Fenner Conveyors representative who attended the Welcome event had the pleasure of meeting so many delegates who will no-doubt be change-makers for the industry in the coming years.

NewLeadersSummit2024 JenGreen MattParker LaurenConstable BrittHonan TonyHackett