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Article published by Safe to Work. Conveyor belt company Fenner Dunlop has recorded 365 days injury free at its Wollongong branch in New South Wales as part of its mission to becoming the safest engineered conveyor solutions provider. Wollongong branch manager Cameron Clark said...

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Article published by Safe to Work Fenner Dunlop general manager of safety, training & technical Vicki Wust has enjoyed a fulfilling career highlighted by how she has accelerated greater safety awareness and skills at the company. The 2021 Deloitte Tracking the Trends report...

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Article published by Australian Mining Fenner Dunlop explains how its iBelt technology solutions such as BeltGauge and Digital Hub are helping mining companies to take earlier action to prevent conveyor belt damage and access monitoring results in real time. When a Pilbara iron...

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Article published by Australian Bulk Handling Review British mathematician Clive Humby was quoted in 2006 to have said “data is the new oil”. While that fragment may have caught on, Humby elaborated, saying that data, like oil, is valuable but if unrefined, cannot really be used. According...

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Article published by Safe to WorkAlthough already a key priority, Fenner Dunlop has continued to broaden its focus on health and safety, continuously striving towards an injury free workplace across its Australian operations.While Fenner Dunlop’s previous work to underline the...

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Since 1987, Statewide Belting, part of the Fenner Dunlop group of companies, has been specialists in the provision of belting products, accessories and installation services to the mining, quarrying and manufacturing industries in Tasmania.The Tasmanian Team have invested in new,...

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The Blue Tree Project began in Western Australia and encourages people to paint a dead tree that needs a 'blue lease on life'. It acts as a visual reminder to encourage people to talk about mental health, check in with their loved ones and friends, and speak up when battling mental...

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